Green Glass Inc

Recycled wine bottles transformed into drinking glasses! "The Friendliest Glasses on Earth!" Unique range of recycled glassware fashioned through the complete transformation of reclaimed recycled bottles. The upper bottle portion forms the goblet while the lower portion forms the tumbler. Vases, lamps too. Various finishes, colors and imprinting options

Friday, October 07, 2005

Thurs 6th Oct - Edge Loop, Fruita CO

Big Day! After some miserable hotel coffee, we threw our gear into the van and made our way back to the Bookcliffs. We parked just before the bright orange netting that prevented access to the campground while construction work was underway.

We set out at about 11:30am. Another gorgeous day. The cliffs looked like they were cardboard cutouts against the deep blue sky.

“We are soon going to be at the top of that” Randy tells us pointed up! We begin riding the “Front Side” which is a series of ‘fingers’ skirting the base of the cliffs. It is fun, fast and rolling. I reckon my decision not to do the Zippidoo-dah trail last night with those three was a good decision for me. I felt rested and stronger.

We came to the gravel road and bore right up it. 11 miles of gravel road wending its way up the rear of the cliffs. The first 6 miles weren’t too bad as the incline was gradual. The last 5 miles were totally brutal. The incline got steeper and steeper! As expected Tim was out front on his single speed leading the pack upwards. I changed down into a stronger gear, looked at my front wheel and pedaled…endlessly it seemed. Suddenly I could see the blue sky rise up above the road and I knew it was the crest!

We snacked on sandwiches while we lay in the sun recovering. “There’s always a payoff” Randy always said and I was looking forward to it. We pressed on and got to a lookout where the cliffs freefell from where we stood and rolled out on to a plain towards Fruita. It was spectacular!

Payoff time! Steep, fast and very rocky track that demanded total focus. This changed over to the same steep, loose rock trail except it was now single-track. It was exhilarating to blast full tilt down the side of the mountain leaping over loose rock and sliding around corners. Took one too fast and I ended up in a tree that luckily broke my fall.

Right at the bottom we hung left and rode along a river bed. A while later we reached the waterfall which had dribbles of water sliding down its face. We rappelled down this with our bikes before continuing along the river bed weaving and ducking the overhanging shrubs.

At last we exited the river bed and swung up onto the first of many fingers that make up the ‘Chutes and Ladders’ trail. Steep descents and vicious climbs. By now, we were all feeling the affects of the long ride thus far. Not much was said on the short breaks we took at the top of some of the real mothers. Hung over my bars, I just panted!

The light was golden on the long grass as we made our last weave around a finger and dropped down to where we had parked the van.

For the first 5 minutes as we took off our kit, no one said anything. We were knackered! We pulled out the camp chairs and popped a few beers and only then did we begin to chat about the ride. Epic! In a word; all 27.5 miles of it.

We discussed camping another night to do the Westwater Mesa trail tomorrow, but there was consensus on hitting the highway for home.

We repacked the van. Dinner at Pancho Villas in Fruita was delicious even if we did have to wait a while for our food. At around 7:30pm we left Fruita for home. It had been a memorable trip offering a wide gamut of stunning trails. Jerome and I had clocked about 100 miles in total with the other three up at around 110 miles.

Thanks chaps!


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