Green Glass Inc

Recycled wine bottles transformed into drinking glasses! "The Friendliest Glasses on Earth!" Unique range of recycled glassware fashioned through the complete transformation of reclaimed recycled bottles. The upper bottle portion forms the goblet while the lower portion forms the tumbler. Vases, lamps too. Various finishes, colors and imprinting options

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Lock 24 - start

Last of Krista's amazing tomato's for lunch with peppered cheese, ham and bread in Lock 24 just below Hannibal. Discussion on Fedexing another mother lode of tomato's in care of Les in St. Louis....

Very friendly lock chap. He told us this was a pretty long stretch without fuel stops. Good thing we bought more fuel cans in Louisiana, MO. He told us two Canadian's had canoed through yesterday, on their 3 month trip to New Orleans. Bobby was relieved to hear there was a cafe in Clarkesville MO where he could stock up his Winston supplies. While waited for Bobby we watched a father son team in action trying to get their boat onto a trailor to haul out of the water..."I'm going to have to cut him off the beer" the son called to us after the elderly father took a 7th try at reversing the trailor down the slip.
"Try an' hit that, asshole!" the father countered after he managed to get the rig into the water.


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